The Philippine Society for Microbiology, Inc. held its 52nd Annual Convention and Scientific Meeting, last July 20-21, 2023 at the Hilton Hotel Manila, with a theme: “Microbiology for Unity and Prosperity through Collaborations and Industry Linkages”. This year’s convention was marked to be exciting and nostalgic as it is the first hybrid convention of PSM as well as the first convention with onsite face to face engagements since the pandemic. The theme highlights the importance of collaboration, linkages, partnerships, and manifest opportunities with the industry in making Microbiology felt by our stakeholders.
This year’s convention has various activities that promotes Microbiology in research and industry, which includes plenary lectures, director’s cut videos, industry companies’ product presentation, and technical sessions. The convention also hosted various competing activities, that includes ASM Best Poster competition, PSM Best Poster Presentation competition (Professional and Non-Professional category), Best Paper Presentation competition (Professional and Non-Professional category), and the Young Researcher’s Grant Award.
The Pathogen-Host-Environment Interactions Research Laboratory (PHEIRL) was invited to present and participated in the lectures and competing activities provided by the convention. The undergraduate thesis students, graduate thesis students, and research associates represented PHEIRL to present their papers and posters during the convention.